Monday, October 19, 2009

Week 3 - October 18, 2009 - The Evergreen Community

Here we are on the 3rd week of our weekly move around the Greater Portland area keeping our eyes peeled and our hearts open to what God is doing. This week we were reminded at the diversity of the Portland area and also of the list that we've been compiling and although we haven't exactly made a science of the order we're moving in, it occurred to us that it might be a benefit to mix things up a bit.

With that said, this week we so looked forward to joining the Everygreen Community at their Quimby location (Lucky Lab Pub on NW Quimby & 20th - ) Known as a convergent church by some - or as emerging by others - this body of followers of Christ warmly greeted us and we very much felt a welcome part of their fellowship. After grabbing a cup of coffee we sat and enjoyed the company of those around us before the service started with a thought provoking introduction then moved pretty quickly into an interactive style of teaching about doubt as Pastor Bob Wyatt took a look into John 11.

Both Randy and I were taken back by the warm tone as some there was room for some to pause to ask for clarification and others were vulnerable enough to share their struggles. It was intimate without being intrusive and engaging without being forceful.

Quote: "Doubt unchecked and unchallenged soon turns to despair." Doubt can be instructive - pushing you to seek truth or deconstructive - moving you to be cynical & paralyzed.

The message in itself gave much to consider - but the thoughtful interaction gave us so much to continue to think about even after we left.

The message of living in community and of living out faith in our communities was seen as well as heard. Beautiful.

We can't not say something about the worship. Our oldest son's friend Seth led worship. We've always known he had a tender heart and love for the Lord. He led worship - and by that I mean he led us in worship. We were blessed.

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